If you’re having issues with your feet and you’re not quite sure what to expect from the treatment, a visit to a foot clinic can seem a little daunting. While it’s understandable to have a little apprehension, there’s really nothing to worry about. We have several forms of podiatry appointment, which we recommend for you will depend on your treatment needs.

What Is An Extended Podiatry Appointment For?

Once you’ve visited us for an initial consultation and we’ve determined the best course of treatment needed, we may suggest you return for an extended podiatry appointment. These are essentially the same as a standard podiatry appointment, but give us a bit more time to work on your treatment.

Some foot-related issues are swiftly remedied, others require a little more time for us to properly address. Here are a few things that might happen at your extended podiatry appointment…

If You Have Multiple Corns…

Corns are irritating and can be painful. They’re also unsightly, leading to embarrassment for many who suffer from them. Fortunately, their removal is relatively swift and painless. If, however, you have multiple corns, you will find the procedure naturally takes a little longer. While each individual corn is quickly removed, the cumulative time required to repeat the process on more than one means an extended appointment is required.

If You Have Lots Of Hard, Dense Callus…

Over time we all develop calluses on our feet. This is particularly true if you spend a great deal of time walking, or barefoot. Your skin naturally hardens to protect your feet. The problem with this is that it can lead to the buildup of callus which, rather than protecting your feet, starts to cause issues.

Callus can be painful, particularly when it’s very hard and dense. It’s also another unsightly issue that can make people very self-conscious about their feet.

Removing callus isn’t difficult, but it does require a slow, methodical process that will take longer the more callus you have to contend with. If your feet have developed a log of hard and dense callus, you’ll need an extended podiatry appointment to remove it all. 

If You Have Extremely Thick Nails…

Nails are another source of problems for many. Whether it’s ingrown toenails or overgrown toenails, keeping them well trimmed and clean is essential for foot health. It may be that your nails are extremely thick, in which case we will need to take longer to thin them out for you.

If You Have More Than One Issue…

You may also find that you face multiple issues at the same time. You may, for example, only have one corn but also have a callus that needs removing. While individually these issues would normally be dealt with in a standard appointment slot, together they require more time and an extended slot is required.

If you’re ready to ensure your toes are in tip-top shape, book your appointment today…